Published Work


Naked in the Woods

Published by Oregon State University Press, 2015. 

In 1970 I dropped out with my husband, ten friends and an ever changing mix of strangers to live communally in the back woods of Oregon, leaving my Yale graduate degree behind.

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Every Cast-Iron Pan Tells a Story

Published in The Washington Post


1945. Flame licks at my crusted bottom. Slabs of cornmeal mush crackle on my flat, black surface. "are they done yet, Mommy?" ask the four excited children at the kitchen table. I hunker down. The second side browns. Spatula lifts my work high. "More, Mommy! More!" they cry. 

I am ready for this job -- and for the Passover briskets, Sunday cobblers, and birthday ribs that metamorphose in my iron belly.

1985. "More, Mommy, More!" the children at the table cry. I live at the house of the daughter. Again and again, the fire moves through me. I am strong.

2020. The room is quiet. The children are gone. The daughter cooks for herself. She turns the crisped polenta with mottled hands. Memories rise; her mother at the stove, her babies at the table. Both of us wonder what lies ahead.

Published in the writing website Medium